Join the 1950 Club

1950 Club contributions can be fulfilled all at once or in easy, automatic payments over time. Monthly $500, $750 and $1,000 level options are available. The members haven’t quite decided how to thank members who give at the $750 and $1,000 levels, but we’ll think of something good! You may also make single payments are your convenience.

Select your payment option below. You will be redirected to Paypal to sign up. You will then be forwarded to a membership form to ensure you are included in all of the club’s events and deliberations. You may stop payment at any time.

You can make a full, one-time payment or multiple, individual payments at your own pace, at the link below.

Monthly Automatic Payments

By making a contribution, you consent to being recognized by name in print, online, or on any temporary or permanent recognition placards. You also recognize that the full amount of your contribution is an irreversible gift to improvements to the Cambridge Masonic Temple, even if your top choice for projects is not chosen by a majority of members. You also acknowledge that any locker privileges extended for 2019 contributions will be for the 2019-2020 Masonic year.